First United Methodist Church of Windsor, NY
Sunday, May 05, 2024
To learn, to live and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ




Church Contacts:

Pastor Ed Honrath



Secretary: Susan Bennett



Scripture Readings:

 click here



Pastor's Page

Pastor Ed Honrath 

Phone: (607) 373-9125


Ecclesiastes 3:1 – “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
As I write this, we are nearing the end of summer on the calendar (although some people are already pushing into fall talking about pumpkins and all the things pumpkins are used for).
For most people summer vacations are past and it is time to get back to the routines that start again this month. Children and young adults are starting grade school or college this week. Farmers and gardeners are taking in the harvest, and/or getting equipment ready for it. Such a busy time of year.
And it is back to church and Sunday School time. I look forward to seeing the children again and getting to spend a few minutes each week with them for children’s time. (That makes me wonder what we could do to encourage parents to come to church and bring the children after the summer break.)
Our scripture above from Ecclesiastes tells us that there are times for things that have been set by God, such as the changing of the seasons and what needs to be done during each. But we also need to remember that God allows us to choose what do to and when for most of what we do. Spending time with the one who created us and loves us unconditionally is the most important thing we can choose to do.
I look forward to seeing everyone in church that can be there each week. Worship is best done in community, so come on in, bring the kids, parents, grand-parents, neighbors – the more the better. God loves all of us, let us all show our love back to God together!
Pastor Ed